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Online Asphalt Calculator

It can be difficult for many road builders and homeowners to estimate how much Hotmix Asphalt (HMA, also known as bitumen, blacktop, or Tarmac) is needed to cover a particular area. In these situations, our asphalt calculator—also known as the tarmac calculator—is quite helpful. Still, you should be aware that the figures it produces are only as accurate as the dimensions you enter. Additionally, the tool uses a typical asphalt density of 145 lbs/ft³ (2322 kg/m³), albeit this could vary slightly depending on the exact asphalt mixture that is purchased in each instance.

Asphalt Tons Required


Asphalt Calculator Guide

The procedure for calculation is:

  • Estimate the volume of asphalt required using geometrical formulas, blueprints, and measurements such as width, length, and depth (thickness).
  • Determine the density of the hot mix that will be utilized. Asphalt's standard density is 145 lb/ft3 (2322 kg/m3).
  • To find the weight, multiply the volume by the density.

Inches, feet, yards, meters, and millimeters are among the supported measurement units. Considering that measurements are only sometimes accurate and that waste may occur during the application process, it is advisable to buy five to six per cent more asphalt than you anticipate needing. This should prevent you from merely using what is genuinely required. To be safe and avoid needlessly high transportation costs, you should buy 10.5 or 11 tons of asphalt instead of the 10 tons that the asphalt calculator indicates you need.

When calculating an irregularly shaped area, you should divide it into multiple typically shaped portions and then use the calculator to get the volume and asphalt required for each section. Add them all together at the end. Use our summation calculator if you find yourself having to do this for a lot of sections. If the shape is slightly uneven, you can get a reasonable estimate by calculating the average length or width. However, in more complicated situations, or if you require an accurate hot mix asphalt assessment, you should speak with an expert.

Asphalt: What Is It?

Roads, parking lots, railroad tracks, ports, and airports are frequently built and maintained using asphalt, a composite material. It is made up of mineral aggregates held together by bitumen, a petroleum-based liquid or semi-solid that is sticky, black, and highly viscous.

Asphalt Types

There are various kinds of asphalt, and each type has a specific use:

  • Hot mix asphalt (HMA): Produced at high temperatures and is utilized in heavy-traffic areas such as highways.
  • Warm-mix asphalt (WMA): Produced at a lower temperature, it is easier to work with and has environmental advantages.
  • Cold Mix Asphalt: Made without heating, this asphalt is used for minor repairs and interim patching.

Uses for Asphalt

Numerous building projects use asphalt, and each one needs exact calculations to be successful:

  • Road Construction: Asphalt is the material of choice for building roads because it is affordable and long-lasting. Precise computations guarantee that highways are constructed to endure traffic volumes and climatic circumstances.
  • Driveways & Walkways: Asphalt is frequently used for driveways and walkways in both residential and commercial establishments. An asphalt driveway calculator can help you determine the precise amount of material required for a level, smooth surface.
  • Parking Lots: Because parking lots see a lot of wear and tear, asphalt is the perfect material for them. An asphalt calculator ensures an accurate estimation of a long-lasting and low-maintenance parking lot.

Formulas for Calculations

The calculator calculates the required amount of asphalt using the following formulas:

Volume = Area × Thickness

Weight = Volume × Density

How do you calculate asphalt: in tons or tonnes?

Be careful not to mix up a ton (short ton) and tonne (metric ton) when figuring out the weight of asphalt. The International Organization of Standardization specifies the first as equivalent to 1000 kg. It is utilized by all nations, with the exception of the United States. Only in the United States is the ton, which is equivalent to 2000 pounds, now in use. Although the difference between the two could be better, when the amount rises, it can rapidly become considerable. This problem can be avoided by using our calculator to select the appropriate unit system.


Construction projects must be completed successfully, and accurate asphalt estimating is essential. This work is made more accessible with the aid of an asphalt calculator, which ensures accurate measurements and practical material usage. Construction experts can improve project results and steer clear of prevalent hazards by comprehending the components, utilization, and advantages of an asphalt driveway calculator. As technology develops, asphalt tonnage calculators are becoming increasingly feature-rich, making them essential tools for the construction sector.


1. What is an Asphalt calculator?
By entering variables such as area size, thickness, and density, an asphalt calculator can assist in estimating the quantity of asphalt required for a building project.

2. Why is it vital to calculate asphalt accurately?
Precise computations aid in preventing material waste, managing expenses, and guaranteeing the calibre of building endeavours.

3. What are the necessary input parameters needed to use an asphalt calculator?
The primary input parameters consist of the area's dimensions (width and length), the asphalt layer's thickness, and the asphalt mix's density.

4. Can the weather have an impact on asphalt calculations?
Absolutely, the amount of asphalt required can vary depending on the weather because the substance expands and contracts.

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